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I have written this weekly column with over 300 articles in over 6 years and have shared my fears about our nation’s development and the slippery slopes we are journeying. I have also made predictions, some of which have come to roast and come back to haunt us. For example, I predicted the herdsmen crisis 40 years ago and I feel pained for how much they have been ignored.

Therefore, in this new series that was started last week, I will take my nation once back memory lane, referring to the very tropical issues that are likely to plunge our nation into anarchy.

However, it gladdened my heart when I saw on one of the social media platforms that Nigeria might resort to seeking help to sort our security crisis. For that reason, let me once again share a bit of my personal experience that is relevant to our nations’ crisis.

Few decades ago, as I prepared to retire from over 50 years of active service, over 40 years of public service and over 40 years in the private sector rising to the position of Chief Executive Officer in a multinational organization.

As I prepared to retire, I was concerned with how best to spend the rest of my life considering that I may wake up one morning and not have anything to do and do away with my jumbo salaries and allowances. So, I started making arrangements on how to busy myself with matters concerning the environment, climate change matters because of my explorations but most importantly becoming a big-time farmer because of my love for food and to be able to cater for hundreds of families that were already depending on me all over the country. Also, I was able to tell myself that there is nothing as bad as waking up one morning and not having anything to do.

Therefore, by expanding the family farming and agricultural culture in my hometown, today I grow most of what I eat, I have been able to keep myself busy all the time, and I can offer support to those who depend on me. This scenario has also inspired many of our youths who in the last few years have started to farm the way I do, and my hometown is now littered with farmlands by millennials. It was the thoughts of all these that birthed the title of today’s column because our nation Nigeria requires help, not only in areas of security but in almost all the spheres of life that has pushed Nigeria to a failed state.

Our currency, once among the most valued in the world, has now become one of the most abused and devalued. Despite over 60 years of existence, the Nigerian government seems indifferent to this decline. Consider the herdsmen crisis -what could have been prevented with proactive measures has escalated into widespread violence across the country.

Our athletes are leaving Nigeria, seeking better opportunities abroad where their talents are nurtured, and their careers thrive. This exodus is not limited to sports. Doctors and nurses, freshly graduated, migrate to other countries, leaving our healthcare sector in disarray. Our health centers and hospitals are in deplorable conditions, and instead of addressing these critical issues, our energy is misdirected.

The security situation in Nigeria is alarming. Our police force, as discussed in a previous article titled “The Pitiful Nigerian Police,” is struggling and in desperate need of help. Police officers, driven by poor remuneration and working conditions, often resort to begging on the streets and,

in their frustration, sometimes brutalize citizens. This erodes public trust and worsens the already fragile relationship between the police and the communities they are meant to protect.

The economic hardships and lack of job opportunities have forced many young Nigerians into a life of crime. With fewer legitimate jobs available, some of our youth turn to robbery and other illegal activities as a means of survival. This rise in crime further destabilizes the nation and creates a cycle of poverty and insecurity that is difficult to break.

The Nigeria that our forefathers entrusted to us was not in such a dire state. They would be turning in their graves if they could see what has become of their legacy. Our ancestors fought for a nation of prosperity, unity, and potential, but today, we are faced with a country in decline. If we do not take up the mantle and work to fix our nation, there will come a time when saving Nigeria will be impossible.

We must remember that the real issue is not whether we can get the help we need, but recognizing when we need help and having the courage to ask for it. Our nation’s decline can be reversed, but it requires a collective effort and a willingness to seek assistance. It is time for Nigeria to acknowledge its struggles, reach out for support, and work towards rebuilding a brighter future for all its citizens. The responsibility lies with each one of us to honor the legacy of our forefathers and ensure that Nigeria rises from its current state of despair to reclaim its rightful place on the global stage.

In the coming weeks, I will once again take on one of the articles because having been born 86 years ago, I want to refer to myself as an elder and we do remember what we know about the words of elders.


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